Thursday 9 August 2007

Day 2 : 1st July 2007

Got up and got freshened up. Checked In. Later we were called for Bag identification, as Leh is a very sensitive area. Unless you identify your baggage, it will not be loaded to aircraft J . Well, funny thing was, there we no seats allotted in particular. We had to get back to our Indian style of boarding a crowded bus here . I managed to board second and Raj after me. Since flying from Delhi to Leh is very Scenic, everyone wants to sit next to window, so all this circus J.
Once we were nearing Leh, the world outside my window was awesome. The bed of clouds seemed like a fairy tale background for me J. Also, pilot had to ascend/descend the aircraft quite often. That was very thrilling, also was landing. Raj started applauding once we touched down and I was laughing with relief J.
Well, Leh was love at First Sight. Surrounded by snow capped mountains, an army base camp nearby. Another dream come true J. Now, with the help of lonely planet ( book, we decided to head to Shanti Stupa Guest House. We took a taxi. The first word I heard once landed in Leh was “Jule”, which means “Hello”,”Good Morning”,”Bye”. An all in one word J. We took a room (Rs.350 for a double bedroom with attached bathroom, Rs.200 for without bathroom). Slept till 3. Got up and got ready. Had lunch and then headed to Shanti Stupa. But, its actually not advisable to climb up Shanti Stupa on the first day of your visit. Its adviced not to do anything for 24hrs after u reach leh. But we took chance. Its one of the Monument built under Japanese Peace Movement(There is one more under construction in Nizamuddin Park in Delhi). Its very Tiresome climb up to Stupa. We used to get breathlessness very easily. The view from top is simply Superb.

Then headed to Leh town. Got an Eliminator and a Pulsar(From Planet Himalaya) for 600 and 450 per day respectively for our next day Road Trip to Kargil. We then headed to “Norkhla Restaurant”. Momos are the best served here.A platter will have Potata, Spinach, veg and Ginger momos.It was yummy. Later, I headed to guest house and raj for browsing. And ya we bought a Ladakh map, it was very useful for our roadtrips, for Rs.150.

1 comment:

Viji said...

Hey Nikhil.. just Mind blowing.. I imagined myself there :)